Friday, November 15, 2013

Focus...Focus.... DISNEY!

Alright here we go again. 64 days until my journey begins, meaning I get on the lane to head to Disney. Needless to say I cannot wait. This semester has been anything but easy, from classes, to the typical middle school like drama (yes I know I'm a junior in college, people don't always act like it though). Regardless, I am excited for this adventure, I know there will be many ups and downs, but it's Disney for crying out loud! I'd rather be having a bad day at Disney than a bad day getting exams back at school.

So what has happened with Disney recently? Well we were able to register for classes earlier in the week. With over 7000 CPs(?) the site obviously crashed. Watching the facebook posts was so entertaining, people were tweaking out. So we all thought that we had something wrong because we thought the sign up was 12 am EST, but we thought maybe it was 12 am PST. So what did I do? Stayed up until 3 am here on the east coast to register.

Alright 3 am rolls around aaaannnddd no luck. Site still down. At this point I said screw it and went to bed. I woke up early in the morning and lo and behold the site was magically working. I got both the classes I wanted, the Engineering Professional Development Study and Disney Heritage. The classes are much different than what I am used to, heck I'm an electrical engineering major, this semester my easiest class is quantum physics. Okay moving on.

Roommates, roommates, roommates! Everyone has been searching left and right for roommates and afraid of going random. I was in a different situation, I was fine with going in random, it has worked out for me here at State roommate wise so it didn't really bother me that much. However just for kicks I decided to put up a roommate survey, there was no harm in meeting people. What I did not expect was to actually find girls to room with. It happened like magic, miraculously four girls (including myself) found each other through facebook. Now I know it's weird to live with people that you met on facebook, but hey we're all going to Disney and want to have the best experience ever... plus we all hit it off right away, so here we are with a group me text and it seems like we all are going to be good friends, I hope! I know roommates don't always become friends, but these girls appear really nice and have the same interests when it comes to Disney. Sad enough to say, the only other major Disney fanatic I have met is my very own older sister. (Needless to say she is super jealous and is planning a couple trips to Disney herself to "visit" me).

You all may ask what I am doing at the moment, and as much as I don't like to admit it, I'm actually in an EE lab, but the prof is so smart everyone has given up on following his slides and exercises... that and the fact half of the class didn't show up today. I try in all of my classes and work myself into the ground, but when no one can follow what's going on....well my mind wanders to Disney and the adventure ahead.

Well I guess I had better get back to lab, or maybe I'll just fix the blog layout...

Anyways hope you all enjoy the randomness of my posts! I'll try to keep posting a bit more! Later I will post about the bows I got from Mickeywaffles ETSY, they're ADORABLE!

Ta-ta for now!

Follow Kenzie on Twitter @KP_callmebeepme

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